Register your teen for the outing to cloverleaf apartmentS
EACH TEEN MUST BE REGISTERED SEPARATELY. Return to this page to register another teen.
We will meet at the church at 5:30 p.m. and return to the church building at 7:45 p.m. We will be providing dessert, playing with the kids with bubbles and helping Salt n' Light Ministries with their work with the kids at Cloverleaf Apartments located off of 71 HWY in KC, MO (Grandview).
By completing and sending this form you understand that reasonable plans have been made to ensure
the safety and welfare of all participants.
In sending this form, your youth agrees to conduct himself /
herself in a safe and orderly manner and will cooperate and comply with
decisions made by the adult leaders. By sending this form you give
permission for your youth to travel to the ministry event in vehicles
driven by approved ministry leaders and release Grandview Church of the
Nazarene and its representatives from any damages which may result due in the
unlikely event of an accident or injury.
By sending this form you authorize a representative of
Grandview Church of the Nazarene to consent to and authorize emergency medical
treatment to be given to my son / daughter as considered advisable or necessary
in the judgment of an emergency medical professional or attending physician. Parent / guardians will be notified
beforehand for consent.